When it comes to the customer journey, we know it often takes many touchpoints before they convert. A customer's path rarely follows the simple sales funnel path—they interact with marketing collateral, create a cart, and end up back in the research phase within moments. This is why it’s crucial to vary your touch points with customers: each consumer has individualized needs, goals, and habits.
What’s more, the journey really begins before the customer is even aware of their need state. To increase conversions, you need to lay the groundwork by building brand awareness. This, of course, is no small hurdle to overcome.
So, what’s the solution to these issues? Getting your brand out into the world in unique, memorable ways that offer countless opportunities for your customers to come in contact.

Take your logo on the go.
Tell your brand’s story with real-world, tangible items that reflect who you are. One drinkware item can receive more than 3,000 impressions in its lifetime—investing in long-term success doesn’t always have to be costly. Beyond logo decoration, you can tell the story of your brand through color, shape, and overall aesthetic to build brand awareness.
Utilize products within your brand color palette. Go for sleek, simple products if you’re known for streamlined solutions. Choose recycled totes or drinkware if you want to be remembered for sustainability work. Get creative with the ways you reflect your aesthetic, values, and brand voice!

Match your brand color palette.
Your audience will grow more familiar with your unique universe every time they sip from their printed mug or tote their embroidered backpack.